Monday, September 15, 2008

Hello Gorgeous!

The Palm Pilot is dead.

Long live... the iPhone!

That's right kids. I went for the beauty along with the brains. And now, I am a woman in love. Completely and utterly besotted. With my new device, the new and improved iphone 3G. At last, after years of watching my man develop crackberry thumb, I have a syndrome of my own - iphone finger. And I couldn't be happier.

Palm who?

Aaaah iphone. It's a phone. It's a walkman....I mean, ipod. It's a filofax. It's on-line shopping.

It's a bloody computer and it's fanf&ckingtastic.

I know it's not perfect, of course. But I'm deeply entrenched in those early days of the love affair - where everything's perfect. Or as close as it gets. Apparently these babies break down. Erm, ever hear of "reset"? And they've been known to re-send the same email. Over and over and over again. But I say, look on the bright side - it can make the recipient feel ever-so-popular. And don't even get me started on all the apps! No, really. Don't. Because I'm not quite sure what apps are, how they work or why I need 'em.

All's I know is I scream you scream we all scream for.... iPhone. Ok so I'm appropriating a slogan inappropriately. I can't help it. I'm positively giddy about the whole thing.

And it's not just me. I swear. Fellow iphoners are equally obsessed. We're like those loser Jeep drivers who cruise the streets, honking other loser Jeep drivers. Remember those? When I see another person, working, on an iphone, I feel the need to discuss. And they do too!How fab it is. Which cool shortcuts we've learned. Which apps we've downloaded. (Or not, in my case. But I play along).

The crackberry mob is quick to naysay: it's hard to type (not once you've practised); it breaks down (it does?); it's not good for business (huh? what business?)...The list goes on, as they check out the iphone. Many of them have opted for the itouch - iphone sans phone. But I like one-stop-shopness of it all.

I checked out the Blackberry. Curve, Pearl and Bold. I really did. I couldn't type on it, could barely see the screen and thought it was clunky. In other words, I hadn't been converted yet. I figured if I had to start fresh, I may as well go for the hot young creative over the staid, ubiquitous business sort. Artistic temperment, and cheesy metaphors, be damned.

And best of all, unlike the other creative types I've known, with one touch of a button, I can turn my iphone off!